Double Trouble

Double Trouble

What type of surgical procedure is depicted here? Moderator's Response The surgical procedure is called Sauve-Kapandjii procedure resulting in a Distal radio-ulnar fusion with creation of pseudoarthrosis of...
A Dime a Dozen

A Dime a Dozen

What is the problem in this hand? Moderator's Response Flexor Tendon sheath infection Great job – tricky...
A Little Peck Will Do Ya

A Little Peck Will Do Ya

What might this infection be and what might it be from? This is a tricky one! This was send in from a reader – Heidi Smith COTA. Thanks Heidi! Moderator's Response Herpetic Whitlow from a bird...
Behind the Scene

Behind the Scene

This radiograph is depicting what via the black arrow? Moderator's Response OA of the...
A Pit in My Stomach

A Pit in My Stomach

You are treating a patient status post Colles fx. And the patient presents with edema as indicated in this photo. What type of edema is this and how might you treat this edema? This is pitting edema. It is soft and mobile as evidenced by the fingerprint impression...