Wide Open

Wide Open

What is wrong with this radiograph? Moderator's Response This x-ray reveals a widened SL interval or a positive Terry Thomas sign, a small bony fragment on the radial side of the scaphoid as well as the capitate migrating proximally and this will ultimately lead...
A Stitch

A Stitch

What does it look like is going on with this hand? Moderator's Response This is status post trigger finger release and the patient is having somewhat of a reaction – it might be an early infection or stitch reaction. This patient is two weeks post op and...
Leaky Line

Leaky Line

What type of injury is presented in this photo? Moderator's Response The injury was caused by a high – pressure injection of hydraulic fluid. The finger has had a decompression to release the pressure in an attempt to save the finger and...
A bit of Fresh Air

A bit of Fresh Air

In relation to office ergonomics: What is this structure? And why would you recommend this? Moderator's Response This is an air vent diffuser and you would recommend this if the employee’s desk is directly under or near an air vent to help control the immediate...
A Cold Surprise

A Cold Surprise

What is going on in this photo? Moderator's Response Cold hypersensitivity is a vascular reaction that is seen in response to cold. This is a local response seen only at the site of application. The skin is marked by raised patches that can either be whiter or...